How to Make It Look Like Youre Typing in Animate

How to Make It Look Like Youre Typing in Animate

How to get in appear like text is being typed?

Hey all, I'one thousand trying to figure out how to breathing a "chat program". I have the full general wait and feel of the chat program set up in Storyline, only at present I want it to appear as if someone is typing text into the conversation field. Does anyone know how this can be done?

xvi Replies
John Hinchliffe

Hullo Jim. You could either do a wipe animation on each line of text or you could practice like 'Liveperson' and other organisations do by having a notification popular upwards saying 'Customer Counselor is typing...' and then have your regular text popular up as a whole.

Promise that helps,


Bill Kelleher

I like the delayed solution, John. Very simple and elegant.

As John also mentioned, you can use wipe and prepare dissever lines. You can too apply one large text box and select Sequence > Past Paragraph, and as long equally each line is a new paragraph line you'll get the same event while saving a little flake of time.

Yous could besides gear up upward a like animation in Powerpoint using an announced animation  and animating the text by letter with a curt delay between messages from the Effects Options panel. You can then screen capture this and add it to the timeline as a video.

Ginny Franklin

How-do-you-do everyone and Happy New year's day!

I've just tried Bill's proposition of using the Sequence>past paragraph blitheness on a text box and it works a care for!

Thanks for sharing.

Ash W


I realize this is an old post but....

I can't seem to get this wipe role to piece of work on a paragraph. I don't want to divide it upward into multiple text boxes and wipe each box because I will be using this often.  Did I exercise something incorrect? I can't become this to piece of work on each line with Paragraph selected.

I'thousand surprised this isn't a feature in SL3 since and then many people take mentioned it in posts.


Alyssa Gomez

Sad you're running into this, Ash! We're seeing a trouble in Storyline 3 where the wipe blitheness doesn't work correctly when it's practical "past paragraph" in the HTML5 output. Our team is looking into a fix, and I'll keep y'all posted on any new information I receive.

In the meantime, if you'd rather not break separate lines of text into individual text boxes, then you lot tin can get around this problems by viewing the Wink output.

Ash W

Thanks Alyssa, :)

Just curious, is the an consequence with HTML5 or with Storyline?


Alyssa Gomez

How-do-you-do Ash,

The problems only happens in the HTML5 output, but the Flash output works ordinarily. Michael's solution seems to be a great workaround. Let us know if that will work for what yous had in mind!

Michael Anderson

Sharon, the first javascript trigger on the slide fires when the variable newText changes. The javascript code breaks down the text and displays one more additional graphic symbol each fourth dimension, which gives the typing outcome. Here is the code in that trigger. Permit me know if you have whatsoever questions.

var storylinePlayer = GetPlayer();
var newIncomingText = storylinePlayer.GetVar("newText");
var newOutgoingText = "";
var myArray = newIncomingText.separate("");
var arrayLength = myArray.length;
function typeText() {
newOutgoingText = newOutgoingText + myArray[0];
arrayLength = myArray.length;
if (arrayLength == 0) {
// A letter is typed every 100ms, conform the typing speed by changing the 100 number beneath
var myInterval = setInterval(typeText, 100);
Leslie McKerchie

Cracking news!  We just released Update 3 for Storyline iii. This includes quite a few of import fixes and some new features every bit well. Check out all the details in the release noteshither.

The particular you'll be interested in is:

Wipe animations sequenced by paragraph didn't work equally expected in HTML5 output.

Be sure todownload and install the latest version of Storyline 3.

Allow us know if you have any questions, either here or pastreaching out to our Back up Engineers directly.

Louisa Antoine

Cheers so much Michael, this is a really bang-up technique for animating text :-)

Andrew Baker

Thanks for sharing Michael, did just what I wanted.

Michael Anderson

I'm glad it worked for you Andrew. I'yard working on a new projection and recollect I'll utilize it there just for fun. :)

How to Make It Look Like Youre Typing in Animate




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